Friday, June 23, 2006

Update from Ken in Garissa, Kenya

There is nothing as great as being in Love with the Lord. He loved us first even while we yet sinners. Our prayer is that you will experience more of Jesus. May we seek to decrease as he increases in our lives.

We thank God that finally we are feeling more secure after threats to burn our office. I had to release the extra guard we had because things seems to be much better and also because we can’t afford paying him. From the independent investigations we did, the cause of the threats was that there was a debate between Muslim and Christian scholars here in Garissa and the Muslims lost the argument so badly that they lost their emotions and started throwing stones. The place turned chaotic and had it not been that the Police were there in large numbers things would have been worse. Apparently Police had realized possibility of Trouble. After this Skirmishes, the fundamentalist figured out who could have been the sponsors of these event and guess What? Yes, your guess is as good as mine-we were found to be the architect of the debate. We are privileged to take all the blame on all things that go wrong for Muslims here. For the debate itself, my opinion as always been that there is no need of cutting somebody’s nose and then you give him or her rose flower to smell--aaah. I fully subscribe to 1 Peter 3:15,16:But have reverence for Christ in your hearts, and honor him as Lord. Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect----(Good news version). I enjoy Christian apologetics but only when I know it is likely to bear fruit.

Food distribution went well and the locals are really excited about what we are doing. We also don’t want to give them Fish all the time. Giving them fish net is better and so in July we will supply people with seeds to plant. We want them to engage in economic activities rather that wait for food relief.

About our family, it is such a joy for both Eunice and I to watch Tim able to read stories. He turned four just the other day and he is Nursery. He is one of the youngest in his class but is doing very well. Ann is making every one happy with songs that only she understands.

We thank God for what he is doing through pullman foursquare church. Blessings

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